I specialise in helping men over 30 achieve a lean athletic physique, whilst being a dad, a breadwinner



How Karl lost 25kg of fat in just 16 weeks. At the start of his journey, Karl was lethargic, was struggling for energy & drive. And he was frustrated at feeling so uncomfortable for so long and embarrassed about what was staring back at him in the mirror. Using my lean physique habits system I introduced daily & weekly non negotiable’s and kept him accountable to these throughout his priming phase of the programme. These have developed into a foundation of positive habits helping him maintain his fat loss momentum & avoid any overwhelm. Every single day I kept him accountable to what he needed to do. He’s consistently torched kilo after kilo of fat. Added lean muscle, training just 3x per week. His ENERGY is through the roof. And has given him the confidence & drive to pursue other goals in his life and career. His results are life changing


Meet Gavin. One of my first serious ‘Dad transformations’. He optimises (and still does to this day) who I enjoy working with. He has a young family, a Mrs and a very demanding business of his own. Gavin was was spinning so many different plates and wearing so many different hats that when it came to even thinking about himself, he put his own needs last. He put his mrs, his kids and his work first. But that left him severely lacking energy and frustrated at what you see when you look in mirror. Gavin wanted to be the best version of himself and take his physique to the next level. He wanted to lead by example and be his kids absolute hero. The results we achieved in under 5 months were incredible. Giving him structure, accountability and removing all the guesswork allowed him to thrive in all areas of his life 


Dave is a family man who works his backside off. When he reached out to me he was going to the gym a few times a week, even throwing in some runs but it wasn’t clicking for him and he was seeing little progress. And he was struggling with exactly what to do diet wise, especially with having a wife & kids he wanted to be able to eat with each night. Very quickly we focused on nailing down some key habits that would start to build a bulletproof routine. Secondly I created a diet structure that meant he could torch his unwanted blubber fast yet consistently whilst also skyrocketing his energy at the same time. With Dave working away weeks at a time it was key that we implemented different strategies to stay on track even when he didn’t have full control of the food choices. Using my time-strapped training system Dave’s strength has also taken a big leap. As a result, he’s torched over 23kg of body fat and gained 4kg of lean mass. One of the most transformative factors for Dave has been his confidence in himself and how he carries himself day to day which has taken a complete 180 since the day we started

Rob Zand: Your coach and expert behind your transformation for life

Meet your coach

If this is the first time you’ve come across me - I’m Rob. I specialise in helping men over 30 craft a body they’re proud of and become the best version of themselves - whilst being a dad, a breadwinner and without family, work or social restriction. And as a result - become the most confident, decisive and driven man you can possibly be. I’m not a 20 year old PT with zero commitments that lives at home with Mum & Dad. I have a wife, 2 kids(another one on the way) and the same pressures & responsibilities as you. I know and understand what it’s like to put others before yourself. But I also know exactly what it takes to be spinning so many different plates whilst getting in and staying in the shape of your life. And with the systems I’ve developed over the last few years helping 100s of men just like you - I’m here to guide you, keep you accountable every single day and show you how you can achieve a lean, athletic physique and become the best version of yourself 

Change your life & become

the best version of yourself 

Here from some of our clients




unique 4-phase transformation system

what is our

  • The aim is to build a bulletproof routine, give you structure & consistency to your week so that you very quickly stack fast wins together - as a result skyrocket your energy, focus and mood - all within a matter of 4 weeks

  • Here we remove the guesswork and give you structure to your diet through quick, easy & convenient food options that still allow you to eat with your family each night, enjoy social occasions such as date nights - whilst as a result aiming to torch around 1kg fat per week on average 

  • Once you’ve lost all your unwanted fat and we get you to the level of leanness you’re delighted with, we then change to focus to packing on more lean muscle and further driving up your strength & energy to further craft your physique into one you’re super proud of

  • This phase is to ensure the habits you’ve developed and life-changing results you’ve achieved are embedded for life so you can simply enjoy being in the absolute best shape of your life and the very best version of yourself